Learning how to play a string instrument requires a careful initiation right from the beginning, which means, apart from good aptitudes, a qualified teacher, constant practice and the use of an efficient instrument. Instead, beginners very often have instruments of inadequate quality .

The hiring service gives the opportunity to know the real possibilities an instrument can offer to those wishing to play it. Moreover, it allows students who approach a violin, a viola or a cello for the first time to try it and then decide advisedly whether they really want to go on studying music – and this at a reasonable price.
The hiring service aims at offering good quality ready made string instruments, in all sizes and dimensions, periodically checked by an expert violinmaker. We supply instruments of every level fit for beginners, amateurs and professionals

Periodically expert maintenance and highly qualified advice given all through the years will ensure a steady course of studies.
The hiring service is an opportunity particularly for very young students who may, as they grow up, change their instrument against one of a larger size whenever necessary, without extra fees or a new lease.
VIOLIN | 18 |
VIOLA | 20 |
CELLO | 25 |
The bow and the case are provided together with the instrument. The first lease is established for three months, renewable monthly.